
  1. Content Author: A person who creates content for AGCO's diagnostic tool EDT.
  2. Content: Vehicle and diagnosis information displayed in EDT.
  3. EDT: EDT is an AGCO service tool that provides a centralized platform to diagnose machines produced by AGCO and its brands.
  4. VDW: VDW is a design tool used by Content Authors to create diagnostic content for EDT using graphical surfaces.
  5. CANScript: Scripting Language developed by the EDT team to allow the Content Author to add custom logic in VDW required to perform special network service calls from EDT.
  6. ODX: ODX is a data storage protocol that can be used to store information that describes CAN networks and the available communications that are defined with the controllers present. Through SiE J1939, Raw, Generic Driver and Keyword Protocols are currently supported.
  7. Global Image: A shared image that can be referenced by any diagnostic content.
  8. Embedded Image: An image that is embedded into a diagnostic content script. This should only be used for development as embedded images should be converted to global images before release.
  9. Global String: a text phrase that can be reused by any diagnostic content and supports language translations.
  10. Variable: Variables are used to store information to be referenced and manipulated in a computer program. They also provide a way of labeling data with a descriptive name, so our programs can be understood more clearly.
  11. Master: A Master is content developed for a machine as a whole. This is exclusive.
  12. Plug-in: A Plug-in is content developed for a component of a machine. This purpose of creating a plug-in is that it can be shared by multiple machines and can be re-used.
  13. Graphical Surface: A screen that can be designed as needed to contain running diagnostic information from the machine. These graphical surfaces typically do not require any direct user interaction.
  14. Function: A function is used to group graphical surfaces logically, typically by functions on the machine. Examples could include AC, transmission, engine, etc. Functions are also used to associate signals to the graphical surfaces that require them.
  15. Software flashing: Packaged and versioned ECU software is flashed on to the machine.
  16. Fault Tree: A Fault Tree is a file that represents steps to resolve an issue on the machine.
  17. Package: A package is a set of software files that can be flashed onto the machine.
  18. Channel: A channels represents a specific wiring connection to the CAN USB.
  19. Error Code: An error code can be represented as a DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Code) which can be retrieved by EDT from the machine.