Embedded Image Conversion

Content Authors can add/embed imaged directly into the CANScript. Adding embedded images can create lines of binary code in the master xml, unlike for global images where just a GUID is created. This can cause memory errors on user PCs. To avoid this, VDW has a feature called Embedded Image Conversion, that converts embedded images in the content into global images and upload to Global Database for future use.
118 Embedded Image Conversion is a separate process that is done before content is released to Dealers. This process cleans up the embedded binary image and converts it into a Global Image. This tool checks the library if the embedded image that is being converted already exists in the library, if not it will create a new image. If there is an edit made to an existing image, it will also save this as a new image to the Global Library.

This is separate process, so there should not be an active session open in VDW. So, user should save the content before initiating Embedded Image Conversion Process and reopen VDW.